STL-BV – Bathroom Sensor

Uses artificial intelligence to map the floor to detect presence in the bathroom, movement within bathroom, fall etc.

STL-AV – AI Behavior Analysis

Generally fixed in the bedroom to assess sleeping pattern, movement in the bed etc.

STL-GV-F – Fire Detection

Fire detection detects unnatural temperature increase

STL-GV-I – Intrusion / Presence Sensor

This sensor senses unauthorized presence of the intruder.

STL-GV-M – Movement Detection

Often fixed to identify movement into the Restricted/Protected/Unsafe area

Door Contact

Senses door operation without authorized/ legitimate key

ELDLINK Integrator

Integrates PIR sensors to the gateway to have a centralized control system

Wall mount Flash Alarm (Wireless12 V)

Alerts the neighbors if there is a breech of set conditions or if in case of emergency 9


Measures blood sugar level and alerts if readings are alarmingly high or low

Pulse oximeter

Measures pulse and alerts if readings are alarmingly high or low

AI based BP Apparatus

Measures blood pressure level and alerts if readings are alarmingly high or low

Urine Analysis Equipment for Bathroom

Auto analyses various vitals that could be read from the Urine

ECG – Pen

Measures ECG

Respiration Sensors

Senses respiratory irregularity

Price include AI Analysis Programs, Integration to Gateway, Communication Module and Cloud Synching